Keep your own records of any medical care you and your immediate family have received is the only way to be sure that your accounts are safe and free of errors. It may seem unimportant now, but later in life when you try to get life insurance or get treatment that is right for you, the importance will be the center of attention. Everything from your allergies to your payment records with medical facilities can hurt you if they are wrong in your report. You might be given inappropriate treatment or even denied treatment at all. By keeping their own records, you can discuss anything that is false.
Would you believe that you could be denied a job because of something wrong in your medical record? True, if you are reported to have a disability, whether it's true or not, you could be refused. You would be labeled as a risk, especially if the company offers insurance, they would know that will cost you more money to employ. The same goes for the submission of health insurance where your medical records show that you would require medicines, medical consultations and increase the possibility of emergencies. It is great pain if you actually have a disability, but image if you do not have one at all-you would be denied insurance at the same time be completely ineligible for disability financial help.
An example of an error that could be done on your record would be a misdiagnosis. You may request that your doctor check a suspicious lump in her breast. In the first visit he may suspect it is cancer. Most people will get a second opinion or go for a more thorough conclusive. If the second doctor decides that it is just a cyst and has it removed, your personal records would show that you are cancer free. However, if this visit was documented incorrectly, or not at all, you may have trouble getting insured and not know why. If you had a record of the second visit they found the cyst, this situation would be easily challenged and his record would be accurate.
Human error is simply a part of life, even on medical documents. It is important to always keep your own records so that insurance companies get accurate information about you and your health. If you are being rejected by insurance and do not know why, you're best advised to make sure you're not being misrepresented within your medical records. This problem can be solved quickly and easily if you are responsible enough to maintain their own personal records.